HSHC & Seminary Communities
Healthy Seminarians-Healthy Church is passionate about working with seminary communities to provide a healthy foundation for students to live out their vocations. Integrating body, mind, and spirit through holistic and sustainable practices will help students cultivate imaginative, mindful connections in whatever ministry God calls them to throughout their lives.
The programs we have developed are theologically and scientifically based and can be customized for your seminary community. Contact us for more information about any of the programs below or to explore how we can work together.
Online Small Groups
HSHC offers an online small group opportunity specifically designed for seminarians and seminarian partners/spouses. As Christians who take seriously our being created in the image of God, we are called to move into wholeness within ourselves, with our neighbors, and with God’s creation. Our small group program provides participants with some practical tools and resources for improving their own health as well as the health of the world around them!
For more information: contact us
Cooking Demonstrations (online or in-person)
Healthy eating means not only good nutrition for the body but also care for the world (people and planet). Karen and Travis love sharing:
- Easy and affordable whole-foods, plant-based recipes for you to try at home and sample (if gathering in-person);
- Recipe “makeover” ideas (making them lighter and healthier); and
- Tips for navigating potlucks and other food-centered gatherings.
For more information: contact us
Guest Speaking (online or in-person)
Karen and Travis Webster are available to visit your campus (virtually or in-person) as guest lecturers and chapel speakers to present on care for self, community, and creation. Using their training in theology, pastoral care, and health and wellness, along with their personal ministry experience, they can tailor their content to fit your context.
For more information: contact us
Resources, Tools & Apps
For a list of resources, tools, and apps we find helpful in working towards abundant life, click here: resources
Whether teaching a workshop or helping participants experience healthier eating options, we are dedicated to helping seminarians learn to lead from a place of greater wholeness.
“This [HSHC small] group is so helpful to me because I have been feeling my/our health being pulled apart for years. My bodily health, good relationships, contributing to the health of the ecosystem of which I’m a part – these are parts of health that pull on each other. I can’t PLAN all these into my life separately, in the way western culture acts like they are separate areas. Treating the health of body, social groups, earth as an integrated whole is incarnational. It is also counter-cultural. (But worth it!) I’m glad to be part of a group where we support each other in this holistic approach to (our) health!”
– Andrew Hudson, current student at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (Elkhart, IN)